ࡱ> =?<a bjbjb11 ".[[\ }xxxx& VVV8"$$$$$$,RPxPxxe2:xx"xxxx"V@xx V( <     NATURAL SCIENCES Natural science courses deal with the physical universe, the testable principles that govern its operations, its life forms, and its natural, measurable phenomena. One primary purpose of these courses is to promote an awareness of the methods of scientific inquiry and the power of scientific inquiry to describe the natural world. Emphasis is on understanding and applying the scientific method, which promotes a sense of discovery, fosters critical analysis, and encourages an understanding of the relationships between science and other human activities. A GE natural science course should exhibit the same methods and skills used by scientists when seeking an understanding of the uncertainty and complexity of the natural world. A successful GE natural science course must promote in students: N1. an understanding of the scientific method, including its attributes and limitations. N2. the ability to make judgments regarding the validity of scientific evidence. N3. an understanding of the relationship between hypothesis, experiment, fact, theory and law. N4. the ability to use inductive and deductive reasoning. N5. the practice of thinking critically, including evaluating ideas and contrasting opinions. N6. the ability to evaluate, use and communicate scientific information. N7. an introduction to current scientific theories within the field of study. N8. experience with laboratory activities that explore the natural universe.* N9. experience applying recognized scientific methodology in laboratory activities.* Additionally, a successful GE natural science course should promote some of the following: N10. an appreciation of the contributions of science to modern life. N11. an appreciation of the contributions to science of diverse people and cultures. N12. an understanding of the interdependence of humans and their environment. N13. a recognition of how human behavior has altered the environment. N14. a sense of the history of science and the ideas and experiments that have led to our present understanding. * To accomplish these goals a laboratory course must emphasize the methods of scientific inquiry byscience by engaging students in: Observation and/or collection of data. Analysis and interpretation of data. Formulation and testing of hypotheses. Communicating effectively through oral and/or written work. A minimum of one lab unit or the equivalent of 33 hours of laboratory instruction per quarter. The 33 hour laboratory instruction is a face-to-face instructor-student requirement, not to be conducted online. * Expected outcomes of a successful GE laboratory course should include some of the following: Keep accurate and complete experimental records. Perform quantitative or and qualitative measurements. Use and understand instrumentation and laboratory or field techniques appropriate to the discipline. Interpret experimental results and draw reasonable conclusions. Analyze data statistically and assess the reliability of results. Critically evaluate the design of an experiment. Design experiments to test hypotheses. Work effectively in small groups and teams. DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT 2/29/08 (Attending: Richard Daley, Kathleen Duncan, Karen Erickson, Marnie Francisco, Lisa Schultheis) Are there non lab Natural Science GE courses? If not, move this to the general description of the course as a requirement. 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